Sadraean Analysis of Prophetic Traditions regarding Essential Monotheism Emphasizing the works of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Agraduate of the fourth level of Qom Hawzah & PHD Student of Qom University Religions and Denominations.

2 High Master of the Islamic Seminary of Qom

3 Associate Professor of Ethics Department, University of Tehran


The Foremost of the Theosophers (Sadr Al-Din Shirazi) the founder of philosophical school of Hikmat Al-Mutalyah has invented the theory of related existence of the effect in the analysis of the issue of the relation between the essentially necessary being and the contingent being. In his exposition of this theory, he first relies on the principle of analogically graded unity or particular analogical gradation but finally he exposes the aforementioned theory based on the personal unity of existence or the hyper-particular analogical gradation in a way that the interpretation of the causal relation based on the analogical gradation will lead to the theory of existential dependence according to which the contingent being will have a dependent identity as compared to the cause not an independent identity separated from it. This study using a descriptive-analytic method debates Sadraean analysis of the prophetic traditions regarding essential monotheism Focused on the Ideas of Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli. Then, it studies the consequences and results of Sadra’s final reading of the theory of related existence of effect and its requirements in the interpretation of the prophetic traditions of essential monotheism. The prophetic tradition of essential monotheism suggests that nowhere is void of the divine existence. other words, contingent existence is a manifestation of the emergence of existence. God’s existential presence is constant. God is revealed in all things, because from His Absolute Presence, the contingent existence finds its existentiation. Of course, in the state of purity of essence, He is purified of all contigent properties


Main Subjects

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