Analysis of the theory of "spiritual birth" in Mulla Sadra's thought with an emphasis on the interpretation of Allameh Javadi Amoli

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agraduate of the fourth level of Qom seminary.

2 Agraduate of the fourth level of the specialized center of Shia studies of Qom seminary


In the knowledge system of mystics and some sages, human beings are considered to have two types of birth. One is the physical birth that begins after the natural birth of a human being, and the other is the "spiritual birth" that, according to mystics, occurs after "voluntary death". Sadrul Mutalahin is one of the sages who explained the nature, reason and stages of achieving "spiritual birth" in detail, and Allameh Javadi Amoli, as a philosopher of the school of transcendental wisdom, has presented a unique interpretation of his thought on this issue. The aim of the research is to know the thought of Sadrul Mutalahin on the issue of spiritual birth with emphasis on the interpretation of Allameh Javadi Amoli. The research method is analytical-descriptive using library resources.
The findings indicate the existence of a difference between the explanation of Sadr al-Mutalahin and the words of mystics. According to the thought of Sadr al-Mutalahin, the truth of spiritual birth is the result of attaining the universal status of a human being, or the union with the holy lights and world of intellects. He achieved spiritual birth by stepping on the path of spiritual life; He considers it possible to depend on voluntary death (negative aspect) and to achieve morality through religious austerities (positive aspect) in six stages. By going through these six stages, a seeker passes from the world of matter to the world of intellects, and acquires positions such as taking off the body,


Main Subjects

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