Bijective function of the levels of knowledge and existence in Mulla Sadra's philosophical system

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Phd Comparative Philosophy in qom university

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom

3 philosophy/Farabi/Tehran University/Qom


knowledge in Sadra's philosophical system are of the type of existence and it can be said that existence and knowledge are two inseparable components in his thought and science from his point of view in terms of objectivity and realization in the universe along with other beings of the universe. Sadra not only does not degrade epistemic identities because they are mentally inferior to the universe, but also because their singularity elevates their existential value above the natural world. In this article, we want to show that each class of the universe has a parallel in the world of knowledge, and each level of knowledge corresponds to a level of the universe, and in fact there is a kind of One-to-one correspondence or bijective function of mathematical between them. Thus, we will refer to the description of the components and levels of the universe in the skeptical chain of existence and also to the level of knowledge in Sadra's thought, and with a semantic approach, we will show the mathematical relation of bijective function of his ontological and epistemological system.


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  8. ‏‫صدرالدین‌ شیرازی، محمدبن‌ابراهیم (۱۳۶۳الف‌)، المشاعر، ترجمه‌ی هانری بدیع‌الملک بن امامقلی، طهوری، تهران.
  9. ‏‫صدرالدین‌ شیرازی، محمدبن‌ابراهیم (۱۳۸۲)، شرح و تعلیقه صدر المتالهین بر الهیات شفا، تصحیح نجف قلی حبیبی و محمد خامنه‌ای (ج ۱–2)، بنیاد حکمت اسلامی صدرا، تهران.
  10. ‏‫صدرالدین‌ شیرازی، محمدبن‌ابراهیم (۱۳۶۳ب‌)، مفاتیح الغیب، مؤسسه مطالعات و تحقیقات فرهنگی، انجمن اسلامی حکمت و فلسفه ایران، تهران.
  11. ‏‫عبودیت، عبدالرسول (۱۳۹۲)، درآمدی به نظام حکمت صدرائی (ج ۱–3)، سازمان مطالعه و تدوین کتب علوم انسانی دانشگاهها (سمت)، مرکز تحقیق و توسعه علوم انسانی، تهران.
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